How Much Does it Cost to Cut Down a Tree?

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If you’ve got a tree in your yard that needs to be removed, you’ve probably wondered, “how much does it cost to cut down a tree?”. Many different things can affect the price of having a tree cut down. 

Keep reading to learn more about how to find a company to remove your tree and what things can determine the tree removal cost. 

Can You Remove Your Own Trees?

It’s possible to cut down a tree yourself to save on the tree removal cost. You do need to have a few basic things like a chainsaw and safety equipment to be able to cut down your own tree. Take some time to learn how to safely cut down a tree before you decide to take this project on. 


Once you’ve cut the tree down, you’ll also have to remove it. If you live in an area where people use firewood, they may be willing to come to pick up the wood from you. Renting a dumpster is another option for tree removal. 

You’ll also have a stump to handle. Removing the tree stump is an essential part of the tree removal process. Again, this is something you can do yourself, but it does take a good bit of time and energy to remove the tree stump and roots. 

Before you get started, check your local laws and regulations. You may need a permit to remove a tree yourself. There may also be preservation acts in place. 

When comparing cutting down the tree yourself to hiring someone to take care of it, make sure you’re comparing apples to apples with the costs of equipment purchase and rentals and the time it will take to cut down and remove the tree. 

How to Find a Tree Removal Company

Finding a tree removal company or different tree care companies you trust can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. Start asking your friends, neighbors, and co-workers who they’ve used to have trees removed in their yards. 

You can also ask on social media and have people give you their recommendations. Google local tree companies and spend some time looking at their websites and the reviews from previous customers. 

Look for a company that offers a free estimate and who can come out and take a look at the trees you’d like removed before they start working. Coming out to see what needs to be done will help them understand what needs to be done and the most accurate estimate. 

Once you’ve located a few local companies, it’s time to reach out and get a quote for your project. Ensure that the companies offering tree removal services are licensed and insured before starting any work.

What You Need to Know to Get a Quote for Tree Removal

Tree removal companies will need to know a few things to give you an estimate. They may also ask you to come out and look at the trees you’re looking to remove to provide you with the most accurate tree removal prices. 

Current Condition of the Tree 

Let them know if you have a dead tree, if it’s alive, or has already fallen. If a tree has more than one trunk, that’s important for the tree removal company to know because that can affect the cost of removing the tree. 

Size of the Tree to Be Removed 

Estimates are based on the size of the tree – the diameter and height of the tree type. A “small” tree is under 30 feet tall, whereas medium trees or tall trees are over 30 feet, so it’s essential to be clear when giving sizes because taller trees will affect the cost of your tree removal service. 

Where the Tree is Located 

Are you able to easily get to the tree to cut it down? Is it a single tree or surrounded by other trees, landscaping, buildings, or power lines? Or do you need fallen tree removal? All of these things play into the average price of removing trees.

How Many Trees You’re Looking to Cut Down 

Is it just a single tree, or are you looking to remove multiple trees? If you have numerous trees that need to be removed, it can be more affordable to do it all at once instead of removing trees one at a time.

Stump Removal 

Is your tree located where a stump will be left, or will it need to be removed once the tree’s been cut down? Tree stump removal or stump grinding as part of the tree removal process is something the tree service company can remove or take care of on your own once the tree is down. 

Who’s Responsible for the Tree Removal 

Are you going to take care of the tree once it’s been cut down, or do you want the professionals to care for that? Getting the tree down is one thing. 

Removing the tree once it’s cut down is another. One way to save on the tree removal costs is to remove the wood yourself once the tree’s taken down. 

Type of Tree Species

Some types of trees have a complex branch system that makes removal complicated. Tall, thin species of trees like aspens with narrow trunks can’t support a person’s weight, so extra equipment and additional service are needed to reach the top of the tree safely. Larger trees like pine trees can require heavy equipment and take longer to remove due to their size and trunk diameter.

What’s Included in the Tree Removal Cost? 

The average cost to remove a tree is around $700, but that’s dependent on a lot of different factors like the ones mentioned above. A six feet tall oak tree in your yard may cost less to remove than a 24-foot-tall pine tree in the middle of a field of trees. 

A Man Cutting Tree Down

Things like stump removal, permits, or multiple trees can fluctuate the average cost of tree removal. Smaller trees may be less expensive, but the things listed above all factor into the price of tree removal services. 

In addition to just cutting down the tree, be sure you know what is included in the estimate you’re getting for tree removal so you can compare the quotes.

How to Handle Emergency Tree Removal

Sometimes trees don’t wait for us to call someone to remove them, and they come down all on their own with storm damage. Dead trees can come down unexpectedly during a windstorm, after heavy rain, or because of severe weather like a hurricane. 

When you’re looking for a tree removal job that can do an emergency tree removal, still ask questions like you would when looking for someone to take care of your trees any other time. 

Emergency tree removal services can have an additional cost if you need someone to come out right away to remove the fallen tree instead of waiting until the tree removal service company can work you into their existing schedule. 

If you have a fallen tree on your home or car, you may also be looking at filing a homeowners insurance claim to help cover the costs for the tree removal. Be sure to check with your insurance company before hiring someone. It will also be helpful if the company you choose is familiar with doing work and providing estimates and documentation for the insurance company.  

United Tree Care offers various tree services to our customers in the Manassas, VA area, including tree trimming, emergency tree services, and stump removal. Contact us today for a free quote and get help from our tree removal professionals.

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